And i found this in an old book of mine, enjoy.
Who or what will I kill for?
Who or what will I die for?
Somehow the answers to these questions are impossibly difficult for me to ascertain, I like to believe that if push comes to shove I'd die for my family, the sole cluster of people I've known and cherished all my life so far,or maybe a lover whose eyes twinkle like stars and a supernova smile, someone who keeps me warm on cold nights and understands my logical lack of reasoning, or maybe I'd die for my religion dying in the course of spiritual duty to please the big guy up there, better still I'd probably die to save the world and become immortalized by generations to come as a hero.
Or maybe not.
I kind of feel that there is almost nothing worth dying for after all we only have one life or at least most people do,and it will inevitably end so why rush it or plunge willingly to the end. But this is just my irrationality working there's probably many things or people to die for and if I'm lucky I'll listen to such stories when I'm wrinkly and bent by old age.
But then again I'm usually not very lucky.
Neither am I known for my rationality.