Well, that was one hell of a plumbing job. I was under the assumption that water ought to be led away from the house, not soaked into it, but I guess there are exceptions to the rule, somewhere, sometimes. :)
It looks, though, that there hasn't been much water damage, perhaps sans the cracked and peeled red paint in the alleyway. The paint'll hold better now that the wall has a chance to dry. If the inside of the wall isn't covered with waterproof materials, all the better.
The 90 degree bend coming out of the wall is a bit worrisome. Make sure the join, which looks like it is inside the wall, doesn't leak or just run a new straight section with a bend completely on the outside of the wall. The problem with leaks is that they are often small, hence hardly noticeable, and thus can persist for a long time.
Thank you, that's a good point and I will go and check on it.