We all live in a society and contact with other people every day. Everyone is trying to do his or her best to achieve the results they want by doing things they have to or want to do like studies, work e t.c. So there is no way we can ignore those people who are around us, we see them, talk to them and very often we compare ourselves with them, sometimes even without paying attention to it (like automatically). And when we look at them, we can have some thoughts like: "These person is better than me" or "He or her is so talented / clever / looks so happy / has a lot of friends" e t.c. So, by comparing ourselves with others we start to feel bad, or even worthless. We might think that we're not as good as these people surrounding us. The main thing here is that every single person has his or her own worries, limitations and complexes. And those who you compare with yourself can think the same way as you do by looking at you and feeling not good enough as they want to be.
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