This is so sad, I hope you don't feel this way right now ❤️ hugs ❤️
If you do try to do something for yourself, in the end you are the only one who can really keep yourself together. Being able to rely on others is unfortunately a privilege not a right. Totally wish it was!
Hope you make some good connections here on steemit.
This was more about then than now. This all shaped the loving and compassionate person that I am today. We all feel lonely. There are times that I do, but that comes with being an INFP and an emotive empath. I thank you for reaching out and for reading though!
Wow really glad to hear it and sorry you had to go thru those struggles in the first place. I remember being young and and having feelings of loneliness or other negative thoughts but as you grow and come into your own those types of thoughts or feelings seem to fade. Not saying im never down or lonely but I just feel like I have more security on my own so it doesn't effect me as much. Maybe you can relate?
What is an INFP?
Wow thanks for that, something else I can totally relate to. PPD, post party depression is what I call it, I realize it's not the technical term. With all the highs of travelling and creating and preforming come the lows without the stimulation.
I totally get it.
Some people recharge by being around others and some people recharge by laying around for days by themself lol
Interesting to hear there are others like me!
Yeah. It's a thing. Most creatives go through it. I think I may go to the park and throw a round of disc today instead of sitting here. Nature helps. Very healing.
Good idea, I'm taking my dog for a hike!
But first I'll follow you feel free to follow back 💕
INFP is a personality type. I go more on intuition and feeling. I: Introverted N: iNtuitive F: Feeling and P: Perceiving. I'm in good company though. One of my favorite wordsmiths is also INFP...William Shakespeare. We tend to be extremely creative people, and with creation comes the after creation depression. Happens every time I near the end of a project. Sort of like a 'what now?' moment.