Perhaps the best place to grasp what is going on with the minds of the new generation is for one to browse through their lifestyle. The best place to do so is through popular TV shows, the economy and trends that seem to perforate through society.
Whereas the earliest, boomer generation was drenched in hope and optimism this generation seems to be shallow, nihilist, with dark humor, trying to make sense of it all. And who can blame them? Boomers literally boomed due to the free money. An economy of dept where 2-3 years of an average job could earn them a home. Today, a millennial would be lucky if in 2-3 decades they get a banged up studio apartment.
So whereas the earliest generation had it all and for relatively no effort, this generation also feels entitled to have it all but with a catch. They feel like they have to end it all, or better, welcome a scenario of doom and gloom so that they can claim a future through a hard reset.
It is no wonder that Bitcoin caught up so well with the millennials whereas the boomers are trying to hold on to their precious system that granted them such as comfy lifestyle. At the same time, we see trends such as the one of the surrealistic hipster who seems to think he is a survivalist lumberjack who is also very sensitive, cultured and wants an apple computer with superior internet connection.
Concurrently, this generation has stopped breeding and has shifted the preservation of their genes through social media. Ernest Becker in his book "The Denial of Death" speaks about how all humanity's story is basically immortality projects. Our kids, buildings, names on the spine of a book, all serve a deep desire to preserve ourselves. In our time, this comes through the overly abundant social media which along with our smart devices can capture every part of our life, presumably forever.
But hard disks die off, data can get erased and lost forever. Here comes the blockchain though, which basically records everything, everywhere in an abstract cloud of information where our immortality project can be saved.
It is said that those who understand the present can rule the future. Millennials want to see a future where the old boomers world dies off. In its place, it will be a surrealistic, collectivist utopia where one can be whomever they want through fake profiles. They can dress up as intelligent lumberjacks but at the same time be immature as teenage girls while exchanging magical internet money and tokens for ideas and concepts they don't fully comprehend.
Art History got it wrong. This is the true movement of surrealism.

Haha love your take on this! Always enjoy your posts and the way your wheel spins. Bravo!
Your are best
Sure 😅😄
Posted using Partiko Android
The interesting thing is that this generation may have more money than the boomer generation. With crypto adoption, anyone who gets in early will be very wealthy in short order.
I wonder how suddenly being able to buy any house will affect their nihilistic view of the world?