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RE: BOOSTING YOUR IMMUNITY NATURALLY - by Jennifer Skyler - With Love From Portland

in #life8 years ago

Avoid White Cane Sugar Like the Plague

You know since the 70's we have made lots of research about white sugar and none demonstrates it to be so lethal. its bad but not as bad you make it to be. you can still enjoy sugary pleasures just fine.

Read this:

Get Extra Sleep

Not always. each person has their own clock. some need 5 hours. some 10. the "extra" dose is not really an advice.

Minimize Stress

"water is wet" kind of logic. Also don't walk in mine fields.

Take Vitamin D3

Vitamins for the western world are pointless. In fact most vitamins and extra supplements are proven to be useless. Unless you live in a cave you don't need to take any vitamin D. Also the evidence for its use its promising but not really helpful.

Take Buffered Vitamin C

Take Colloidal Silver

Take Olive Leaf

Useless . useless and more useless.

Check this graph for the one who have scientific basis


How does a blog on sugar trump studies? Considering the vast amount of information regarding low Vitamin D levels and autoimmune activity, how can you dismiss the importance of taking Vitamin D3? (I know doctors who test levels and prescribe it. Are you a doctor?) Have you researched vitamin deficiency related diseases and know how they manifest, even in their most subtle forms? Are you an expert in orthomolecular nutrition?