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RE: Order Is But An Illusion, Chaos Is All There Is

in #life8 years ago

No worries. We are all armchair philosophers.

It is not so much as the consiousness creating order, rather than perceiving order. In the example of the floor our culture has ingrained us with the idea that floors should not have sand and that we should clean stains with a sand machine. The universe doesn't care about these actions. physical reality does not change. Only in our perception these things take place.

I gave the example of the tv pixels for a better clarification. zoom and take a photograph of your tv and you see green, blue and red lights. Stand afar and you see moving images. Its all about the perspective. Everything is disordered around us and only the point of view matters.

This is why you hear people saying that they make the best out of bad situations. Really, there is no such thing as "bad situation". This is why order is just an illusion. People try to balance things out in respect to something else (in order to achieve what is perceived orderly) but things never work as such in life. Whether we talk about relationships or the markets the phenomenon is a non-existent thing nowhere else oher than our heads.

Let me give you another example (The physics are approximate) just to demonstrate the Incalculability of the matter. Consider a pool table game. By the first game you can, with accurate mathematics, to predict where each and every ball will land on the table. To do the math for the second move it becomes exponentially more difficult although with the assitance of a supercomputer maybe you can do it in a decade. By the time you reach the 3rd game you will need to take into considerationt the gravitational pull of the people around the table. By the 5th the position of the planets in our galaxy. By the 7th game (or so) you will need to know the exact position of every single atom in the entire universe. All these, to predict accurately the position of any ball in a single pool table game considering that the universe will hold still at the end of it. In our ever expanding universe the task becomes simply impossible. simply. it does not apply.

Indeed the linguistic barrier is hard to shed in order to wrap one's head around this. We do agree on the subject. I am actually enjoying the fact you see it from your own perspective. it think validates more my point about subjective perception.