This ain’t just a nor'easter
This nor'easter could reach “Bombogenesis” or become a new type of storm called a "bomb cyclone". It is classified as such by achieving a drop of at least 24 millibars of atmospheric pressure in 24 hours. Some forecast models predict a sudden pressure plummet Friday evening off the Atlantic coast.
A bomb cyclone happens when a cyclone, which is a low-pressure rotating storm system, experiences a dramatic drop in atmospheric pressure over a short period of time. This process is known as bombogenesis, an equally cool weather word. Bomb cyclones can help draw colder air in from the North, which could, say, blast areas in the northern hemisphere with icy temperatures.
This is New England's second Bomb Cyclone for 2018, the first brought sleet, floods, blizzard conditions and feet of snow with super high tides due to the full moon which in turn brought coastal flooding and massive damage. Although it only came as rain, there was flooding and damage... here is a film of my neighborhood and footage from a walk to both ends of the Harbor (with a stop off at home to film from the deck overlooking the harbor and a glimpse of the front yard.
The UK is simultaneously getting a Bombogenesis and Superfreeze bringing parts f the UK to a standstill.
I was walking toward the ravaged beach walk for this shot.
The harbor has of course many residences around the edge, that are typically ok elevation wise. But every so often the tide takes command.
Good Health – Evan Pantazi
Image Credit: iPhone
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Wow! That was awesome! I sure do miss the ocean. I was born on the east coast and grew up on the west coast of Canada (Vancouver Island). Thanks for bringing back some good memories!
Just a couple of fun days watching the ocean play a bit rougher than usual.
Bagus bageek Ponting nya..
While in some places it is flooding away while on the other water is a diamond to get hands on !