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RE: What will happen when we run out of fossil fuels?(featuring @infinitor as author)

in #life9 years ago

Well, all those tankers banking up in ports full of refined fuel might beg to differ about whether we are running out. At the rate central banks are devaluing currency and putting small businesses out of business, nobody will be driving around in little crappy mini- cars let alone even 50cc scooters.

You environment faithful should be praising central banks for ruining the economy and sending the carbon industry to the poorhouse. Come to think of it Hugo Chavez and his legacy has certainly achieved a massive reduction in carbon fuel use. But I just wonder how we are going to build stuff that has a better efficiency and actually produces the promised sustainability. Cos a billion tonnes of forged steel to make wind turbines isn't working. The central banks are doing a better job of making people stay at home staring at LED illuminated bigscreens, their carbon footprint shrinking so fast you might think they have some strange new disease eating their footsies.