One of the greatest challenges any individual worth their salt faces is public speaking. As the term implies, public speaking involves a person engaging an audience in a meaningful, enjoyable and relevant discourse. However, while people may want to listen to a speaker, seldom do they master enough courage to deliver a speech. This is because generally, people are overwhelmed by the herculean responsibility of being able to hold an audience on the palm of one's hand , thereby rendering the catatonic upon reaching the stage or the podium to start the speeches.
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Speech anxiety and stage fright, as it more commonly known, creeps its ugly head into the conciousness of individual. While speech anxiety makes you unproductive, it can also have its benefits specially if you make it work for your favor. Many professional speakers usually encourage would-be public speaker to maintain
Their so called stage fright, so that in the process they would give their all-out best in the preparation of a speech.
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If you were made to deliver a speech about a topic you are totally alien about, what would you do? Will you cringe with fright or choose or not to accept the challenge? You can actually do both bur not knowing whether you will be able to do it if given a chance is worse than forgetting some lines of your speech. Thus the best way to prepare for such is to read up on the topic, do some readings or go to the library and do research or go to legitimate social networking site to beep up your information, making you more than ready to deliver your speech.
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Without attempting to sound tacky, the audience is one that is discriminating highly critical and has the tendency to remember the minutes of mistakes rather than some worthwhile statement that you have mention on your speech. But without being abrasive you can actually become the peoples choice by making an effort to get to know your audience before the big day of your speech delivery. Take time to ask the organizer about the profile of your audience.
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Whether you like it or not the audience has a moral responsibility to engage you a questions, clarification and plain simple sharing of ideas anf insight. In formal public speaking situation, this is the very common but often dreaded open furom. It is because during this time anything can happen, either the discussion goes away or everyone goes home with a contented smile on their faces thag the entire discussion goes will.
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Aside from preparing and intellectually for a speechit is very important for you to dress wel. A well put on appearance will sure adds to yourself confidence, thus as a public speaker you should spic and span from head to toe, leaving no stone unturned to your physical preparation. As thet say when you hold yourself in high self esteem everything else follows, if you watch yourself bungling to your speech delivery it will happen. If you make a mental picture of yourself as some who would be doing very well, exuding self confidence and making the audience responsive over what you are saying it well happen. Look at yourself to the eye infront in the mirror and tell yourself that you will be great with your speech.
Who doesn't have a stage fright here? lol
I remember during High School, one of my friend she always makes fun of other people who mumble and shake in front of many people but she does have a stage fright too, so we always tell her to stop and focus and don't shake once it's her turn. =)
I even get into trouble because I used to fake it till you make it. =)
We have this crazy thing or we call it remedy before doing our reporting in front of the class, we put one peso coin inside our shoes then scratch our elbows to ease the stage fright. =)
I don't know if you can relate but I do. lol
Me either .gotcha...I feel you @purepinay
But look at me I do hosting in any events and this is what im being proud of..
I have a stage fright. When my teacher ask me to come in stage my mind got stuck and my body got shake
Going in front of a crowd and delivering a speech is not my favorite of my work but needs to be done.
Indeed preparation is the key to avoid humiliating yourself.
Try to accept and to encounter & to experience facing the people . Self confidence and determination are very important ...
@purepinay .yes, it's normal also if you're getting nervous to yourself when facing people . I also experienced that when I was in highschool while reporting ,I put a coin in my shoe . I don't think if it makes a lot of sense by doing that thing.. Thanks for commenting my blog hehehe. Can you resteem it ?hehehe