How do you define reality in on your own idea? How do you assist yourself from reality? Does reality gave you lots of lessons and knowledge or does reality change your life ?and how? In our life reality has its own rule and definition. Reality is anywhere and everywhere, if you open your eyes and look around reality will appear just towards you. Reality makes your eyes and mind open, and the only thing is you are just so. Blind to feel it. Reality plays in different aspect of our live but its always has the same main reason why there is reality.

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Our world today is a biggest examples of reality. Even our life that we have right now is one as real example of reality. Reality from root word "Real" as i have said reality is anywhere and everywhere we just need to open our eyes and open our senses to see and feel it. Reality brought us awakening from ourselves that in the midst of sleeping in blindness. We cannot deny the fact that some of us are totally blind of what is really going on. In the world today, our generation today, and even our lives and life situation nowadays. Some of us are still sleep in blindness without knowing what is happening nor not interested to do something to help revealing the reality from their selves and the world. We need to open our eyes to help reveal the reality.

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Sometimes we need to be true to ourselves by being real. As they say that the truth will set us free. If we put this in a situation, some of us are still in the midst of their sacrifice and seeking for reality. Reality hurts sometimes or in some other ways, but one thing that is true is, reality truly helps letting us see the better side of the situation that mold us with hate, regrets and sacrifices. Our life needs to see the reality within. Generally speaking we need to strive with reality than living with false and fakes it will help us free and limitless.

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Behind every situation there is reality. Imagine yourself surrounded with false and fakes environment, how do you deal with it. Practically speaking as our generation grows more and more , the more that we need to face with everything that needs to reveal reality itself. Lots of news exists about lots of problem in our world today and thats reality the more our world grow and more productive the more problems and issue causes from it.

No matter how we define reality in our own way, still we need to open our eyes from deep sleep of blindness its time to wake up from everything that make us blind because reality is anywhere and this is all we need reality that reveals everything what we need to see and what we need to face and conquer. Again reality may sometimes hurt but always remember thar reality will set us free. We have to embrace the reality, we don't need to sacrifice ourselves and being blind its time for us to ooen our eyes and live with realistic life without false and fakes. Let us be true to ourselves and live free.
AMAZING. I couldn't agree more @labgo . It's when we fully accept ourselves we become truly free and happy. UPVOTED AND RESTEEMED. Check on @minnowsupporter to find out how I can better help you coz you really make good contents
Thank you for your support . Hope you'll resteem it.
Thank you again @minnowsupporter hope you'll always support my daily blog.
I so love the post. I definitely agree with you @labgo. Lies will only give us temporary comfort but truths give us the opportunity to change. Upvoted your post. I saw this because of @minnowsupporter
Great post nice and realistic
Thank you appreciate your effort .
Your welcome my dear
what if we are living a world inside someone else's world?
It depends on the situation that you may encounter in life ,try to accept the fact if you belong there and experience a new world .