The last stretch!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

So this is it everyone. The last stretch. Three more weeks and I'm moving to America.


At this particular moment I'm feeling a lot of mixed emotions. I'm excited to start a new chapter in my life with my kiddo, going to university(finally), moving in with my boyfriend, @anarcho-andrei, and being in a new place, in a new country.

It's exciting right?

It definitely is, but I'm also nervous and a little scared. Mostly because I've never lived away from Stony Plain, Alberta before. I'll be away from my family for the first time, I'll be away from the friends that I grew up with, I'll be far away from my son's father who has decided to stay in Canada for the time being. I'll be starting over with an entirely different life away from everything I've ever known. So it's a scary thought. I don't know how life is going to go or what the future has in store for my son and I. But I know sometimes, you just have to take the leap and hope that everything turns out the way you want it to. Sometimes you have to take that risk. Start over, start fresh in order to get to where you want to go, to be who you want to be. It'll be a huge change and an adjustment period for all of us in the beginning. It's gonna be a bit rough at the start. But luckily I'll have a good support system with my boyfriend behind me to help me through that transition. So I'm thankful for that.

Right now I'm just waiting on the approval of my student loans, which is the final thing I'm waiting on. And then I'll be on my way. I found an excellent therapy program for my son to attend once I move down to Alabama which my medical insurance through university covers, thank God. I could not afford the $6000 per month fee otherwise. Insane right? It's better than anything I've come across here as far as autism help goes so I'm really excited to see how my son does and how much he progresses. I'm hoping with the help of that program, he'll be ready for first grade next year! So here's hoping.

It's going to be a whirlwind of emotions once the beginning of next month hits, it's going to be sad to leave everything behind but I truly feel that I'll be happier away from here, it's time to move on to bigger and better things. I'm excited to see where this change takes us.

Until next time!



oh changes are making us better, good luck to you! Keep us informed:)

Loved your post @ladymaharet Keep writing such great articles. Also pls upvote my latest article

Good luck. I'm happy for you. And for your son.
Make the best of university. Keeping my fingers crossed for you about your loans.

science fiction, fantasy, erotica @joe.nobel