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RE: Creating the New Paradigm of Free Humans

in #life6 years ago

No need to apologize. You're right, it has/is always happening. I suppose I am pointing it out because it seems to be accelerating, and I felt that by bringing awareness to it, it would help to encourage this process even more.

What makes it very significant lately is that, from my perspective, a lot is shifting very quickly when it comes to how people are viewing the world around them. Thanks to more access to information and communication, we are seeing a lot of new ideas developing and more awareness on issues, even dark issues (such as pedophile rings) that have gone under the radar for decades, if not centuries. It is leading humanity towards an awakening of what is really happening, who we really are outside this false matrix belief system, and towards a new future that we can consciously decide what we want to create in this world. I wanted to point this out to affirm the truth, that humanity is not doomed, and we are the pilots of our fate, for we are more powerful than we know.

In times where there is so much disheartening content, I feel inspired to bring about some food for the heart.


Agreed that we live in a new world with this Information Age, globally, for the first time ever in some ways, unless if they secretly had the Internet thousands of years ago. But even if they did, maybe it was different in some ways. But we could assume that many things are new in some ways this time around. That reminds me of the Matrix. So, in the movies, Neo goes to like the Architect or Key Maker or whatever, and that guy says to Neo that this place, this Matrix World, was not the first version and that Neo was not the first Neo. But as far as I can tell, in the third film, it looked like Neo went to save the day. I guess there should be a 4th film to show what happened after the end of the 3rd film. But I guess they made a cartoon movie that talked about it or something.

But regardless, it is kind of like we are all Neo in some ways or we have the potential of doing amazing things and some people more so than others. But still, it is the tale of two cities, the best of times and the worse of times right now in the world. So people are being given more opportunities to choose which side of history they want to be on.

It does not matter if we are not the first Neo or whatever.

We have amazing opportunities of saving the day or whatever. Big opportunities all around us and some of it may be new in some ways.

Thanks for the response. Appreciate it.