
Now we dont need to worry anymore about the moisture in the cellar, he said. We need to defend ourselves from centipedes and god knows what other strange underground bugs now :D

rent is theft and this is...... a man who does not know the difference between good and wrong; unfortunately...

Well what can you do. Our landlord is very experienced in almost every field and all knowing when it comes to renovations and style

I see, sounds like stockholm syndrome - complimenting yet complaining.

UPVOTED. very good. I would be happy if you like to follow me and give your opinion about my posts. Thanks :D

That looks like a nice clean install. Wow. I am amazed at what landlords get away with. At least foam around it or something. (which would still look like crap but it was some sort of an attempt) what a moron!!

So sorry. Wow. What a rip off. Maybe find better place to rent? 🤔

The rent is very low and the city nice. But as soon as we can we will move out of germany anyway.

Ah that makes sense

Hopefully the landlord will come asap and fix the window...or at least make it better 😊