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RE: Is It Difficult to Make Friends in CHINA?

in #life7 years ago

HI 朋友 也許你對於有人利用你練習免費的英文這件事情感到生氣
也許你該使用中文說話 他們使用英文說話 雙方都可以練習一門新語言 這將成為好事
HI Friends Maybe you are angry at someone who has used your free English practice
Maybe you should speak in Chinese. They speak in English. Both parties can practice a new language. It will be a good thing.

Please forgive me for poor English. I use Google to translate


说的对了。 我喜欢跟他们用中文。 这样,我会知道谁是我的朋友和谁只想免费英语课。


Related to career!
When I'm not engaged in this industry I'm happy to help my friend
When I work in the computer industry Some people just want to repair computers for free! However I need to eat (making money)
for free = no talk
Can you read Chinese? I'm afraid there is a problem with the grammar of the translation that leads to poor communication.

我会看懂中文啊。就我自己写。我不用翻译。 不好意思,我的中文语法不完美哈哈

真是太好了 別人寫英文我看翻譯看得懂 我一直很擔心我寫中文翻譯的英文別人看不懂
如果你的中文不錯 如果有空可以來我的國家觀光旅遊
你可以先看看簡短的介紹 主要語言也是:中文

我真想去台湾!! 我也想找台湾工作但是我找不到工作比我的更好

也許你可以存一些錢 來台灣當個小老闆!賺多少由自己決定!!