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RE: Your Inner Circle - A key to happiness and success....

in #life7 years ago

I am surely on your side of the fence when there is an argument whether having an inner circle of friends and confidantes are the real reasons that are making all the difference in your life as far as success and happiness is concerned.
There have been many studies that show that satisfying relationships are associated with better health, greater happiness and a longer life. A Harvard grant study released earlier this year revealed that loving relationships were the key to physical and emotional wellbeing. The research involved the study of men for close to 80 years and documenting details about their mental and physical health every two years. The findings revealed that those who were happiest and healthiest reported strong interpersonal relationships. On the other hand, those who were isolated had declines in mental and physical health as they aged.@chbartist.

This effect, however, is not restricted to romantic relationships, but close bonds in general – something no amount of money can buy, but that billionaires value. Warren Buffett and Bill Gates both say that the definition of success has little to do with money, rather in the quality of the relationships you had with those around you. “Warren Buffett has always said the measure of success is whether the people close to you are happy and love you,” . In a 2008 talk with Ivey Business School MBA students, Buffett said, “Being given unconditional love is the greatest benefit you can ever get.”
This isn’t to say that people who are single are miserable; that’s not the case. And it needs to be said that it’s better to be alone than in an unhealthy or toxic relationship. Some people also confess that some of their most liberating and fulfilling years have happened when they have been single. But, the thing is, for many, being single in the city is now associated with anxiety that was less prevalent in the past, as human beings are increasingly reduced to menu items thanks to the seemingly limitless options(for making friends) offered on apps and social media.

Fully appreciate your post and in fact would advise today's generation to make a list of people whom you can turn towards anytime in your hour of need rather than having a friend list of thousands of social media friends.
Thanks for another thought provoking Post.