IMPORTENT LIFE ::: You should not commit suicide due to these 10 reasons.##
If it’s a big date and you choose the wrong movie, or an important anniversary and you choose the wrong restaurant, it sucks, but it’s not the end of the world. You choose something better the next time.
If you choose to take your life and realize that you’ve made a mistake in your final moment. There’s no re-do. There are no second chances. There is no next time.
You may tell yourself the world is better off without you, or that your death won’t make any difference and no one will notice, but ideas are nonsense. Every life affects the entire universe, because everything is connected. Even if you spend your entire life in one room and never interact with other people, you’re having a tremendous effect on things, because you could’ve gone out and had a tremendous positive effect in the world. By not doing that, you’ve deprived the world of most of your influence and positivity.
If you doubt this, just read “The Butterfly Effect” in Logical Spiritualism Subjects.
Believe it or not, your life has a huge effect on everything. Taking your own life will send a tidal wave of loss and emptiness through The Butterfly Effect.
Do you really think you’ll benefit the universe by subtracting yourself from it? If you really set your mind to it, don’t you think you could have a positive effect on things?
If you want to have a positive effect on the universe, there’s almost no chance that you can do that by ending your own life and removing yourself from the endless equation.
Finally, maybe you feel wronged. Maybe your goal really is to hurt those you feel have wronged you. Maybe you want to rattle their bars and wake them up. Maybe you want to fill them with regret for all the mistakes they’ve made.
First, there are better and more painful ways to hurt people, which don’t require the most costly sacrifice of your greatest possession.
Second, if the people really are so terrible, it’s possible that your sacrifice would backfire. Perhaps they really are just bad people and instead of sparking some tenderness, regret or sadness in them, your death will be easily ignored and easily forgotten. Perhaps a burden will even be lifted from their unapologetic shoulders. Do you really want to take that chance?
No. Stick it to them the best way possible. Live your life better than theirs and make them choke on their own jealousy.
Your time is better spent trying to make yourself happy than trying to make someone else sad.
When you watch television, read books, or watch movies, do you stop at the 25% mark? Do you stop in the middle? Do you stop 75% through?
Of course not! You know things usually get better at the end and you want to see the climax.
Your life is probably the same way. You don’t want to stop your life at the 75% mark.
Stories throw all their seemingly insurmountable obstacles at the hero around the 75% mark and it’s the hero’s chance to hang tough, impress and make the adventure all worthwhile. If you stop it before the hero has that chance, you ruin the story. You ruin the book.
Sure, when you really hate a book or find a movie boring, you might on the rarest of occasion stop early, because you can change this story for another more exciting one, but this story is special.
This is your story. And if you hate it, then do it, change it for a more exciting one, change your life into what you want it to be, because remember, this is the central story. You’re the hero. These are your obstacles. This is your adventure and this is your time to shine.
If you stop this story early, you don’t just ruin the story, you ruin your life.
Have no fear. No one said it would be easy, but then what hero ever impressed without great obstacles to overcome?
There can be no great heroes without great obstacles, just like many of the greatest people are products of the trials they’ve overcome.
This is your time to endure and become more than what you are.
Do not give up on life's difficulties.
Do not leave anybody's work in the illusion of someone else's behavior.
And do not regret the past.
You do not do any of the things that some people regret doing in the past.
Sure change and improvement is difficult, but there’s almost never a situation that’s insurmountable. Can’t you see some possible way to triumph in the situation you’re in without giving up everything you were, are and will ever be?
If you can’t think of a way, maybe someone else can. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to investigate all options. Suicide isn’t something to be taken lightly.
Suicide is the worst solution to a difficult situation.
Sure, taking your life may stop the misery, depression, loneliness and pain.
But don’t forget you’ll also be ending the bliss, happiness, love and pleasure…forever.
Is that really what you want? To end all the good things in your life and to eliminate all the amazing things you will experience in the future?
Sure committing suicide is a difficult choice for you, but have you even stopped to think about how badly you’re going to hurt your loved ones? Family and friends are likely to be absolutely devastated and sure, not everyone has family or friends, but if you could visit your own funeral, you might be surprised to learn you have a few more than you thought.
Many loved ones will never understand your decision. It will haunt them forever. Many close to you are likely to blame themselves and think it’s somehow their fault.
Just remember, when you commit suicide, you’re not just removing yourself from your life, you’re also removing yourself from everyone else’s lives.
Sure change and improvement is difficult, but there’s almost never a situation that’s insurmountable. Can’t you see some possible way to triumph in the situation you’re in without giving up everything you were, are and will ever be?
If you can’t think of a way, maybe someone else can. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to investigate all options. Suicide isn’t something to be taken lightly.
Suicide is the worst solution to a difficult situation.
You will probably never drive in a Ferrari or live in a 30-million-dollar mansion. You may never have a super-model for a wife, or a saint for a husband.
What you do have and will have for as long as you choose to keep it, is the most precious possession of all…your own…perfectly unique life.
Is it perfect? No, but then what is?
The goal isn’t to be perfect, it’s to live the best and most satisfying life you can.
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