Excellent your comment. I am new to this community and I am very happy to know that there are people who really value the most important things in life: what you can't buy with money. Love, family, sincere friendship, health, faith and trust in GOD and the healthy enjoyment of what He has given us through nature. Today with so much career in life for obtaining material goods, for using telephones, tablets, computers, etc.., We have forgotten to live a full life and for that we do not require much money or material goods, we need to know how to enjoy the miracles that happen around us at every moment (a beautiful sunrise, a beautiful full moon, a singing bird, a blue or cloudy sky, trees, flowers and a long etc.) and we do not enjoy them because we are distracted. Excellent your reflection because the human being, instead of taking care of and enjoying nature, is unfortunately destroying the planet that serves as a home for all of us!!