No a catheter will not help. I had one in the ER for awhile. I need to try meds and possibly get surgery. I won't have full on answers until I get someone to get their tiny camera inside my bladder and look around. :) Hopefully soon!! Thanks for the suggestions. I have everything lined up medical wise so really just wanted to talk about what it's like not get answers but your suggestion made sense to ask.
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Thank you kindly for clarifying :c)
The suggestion is inspired by the thought that contact between urine and tissues might be complicating the healing process. And that the pain might be due to inflamed tissues being very raw to the acidic passings. Also... a catheter might let you empty your bladder fully and therefore reduce your need to go to the bathroom.
Actually... there is more to the 'inspiration' than that. I remember the painful and protracted period of healing following a hemorrhoidectomy conducted some years back. It was hell and I gather that it wasn't as bad as what you're experiencing.
A hospital won't do much for me now because I don't have a diagnosis yet but I haven't really heard of people with IC having catheters. Generally meds or surgery. We will see what they say when they finally check me out thoroughly. Thanks again. :) I do have issues with voiding but for now it's just needing that dang cystoscopy and official diagnosis. So far I only have ruled many things out and gotten educated opinions from professionals. Can't move forward until they open me up and stick a camera up in there. I think they have to fill my bladder up too. :'( I hear it's really painful and causes bad flares for IC people. haha But hopefully it'll lead to relief. :)
Well here's hoping for a full recovery at the earliest time possible!
I have no more meaningful suggestions at this time. Good luck!
Thanks. :) I have hope because I met a girl near me who suffered like me for years and finally has relief from this great female urologist. So, I am going to try to see her if I don't get a good vibe from the male doctor. fingers crossed
I don't suppose its a viable possibility to skip to the female urologist to begin with? :c) I guess the doctor needs to refer you to her?
I've been waiting for this appointment for a very long time and I hear the female dr's appts are way spaced out too and I want to get diagnosed asap so I will just give him the benefit of the doubt since the consultation is only 12 days away now. :)
I'm going to call her asap too though.
I presume that cancelling appointments (within a reasonable period of notice) are free of charge?
If so then there is nothing to lose. :c)