  1. Go back in time
  2. Buy as many bitcoins as you can
  3. Comeback to the future with that

i love cars, but i do'nt have such a luxury cars. when ever i saw such a cars i miss my one beat but when i saw any disable person i say thanks to ALLAH (GOD) and run on my own legs happily.
@momina #momina


If it's got tires or tits its going to cost uou s lot of money.

lol.....its very funny.thanks for sharing.


Hahaa... That makes me laugh :D

There are no strings on me

Sooner this Crypto market turns around the sooner you will see more of these on the streets. Funny license plates haha. Upvoted and followed by @cryptoryno33

So true haha. But in my country, Malaysia, you still can't own those exotic cars even without kids or wife. Unless its a used one!