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RE: The 911 Tragedy

in #life7 years ago

"Many People Doubt The Official Story".

The list of highly educated, trained, experienced people who doubt the official story is well presented and carries a huge impact. Thanks for this and the succinctness in the article as a whole.

It is worth adding another official doubter on the record is the current President of the United States.
That is not a small point.
Whatever you think of Mr Trump, as a very experienced property investment billionaire, he has added his own points of dissention as an expert of sorts of details in the official story.
Trump was saying (I think before another expert, Lear, has been more recently saying also) that the thickness of steel on the Twin Towers simply could never have admitted plames without a great deal of wreckage rebounding.
(Trump also knows planes, of course, as well as skyscrapers and what both are made of - long involved in the personalisation and intimate construction details of both. Probably he knows the price per weight of each material minutely and the charcteristics and potential of each, advised by illustrious professionals. As it is his bread and butter.)

If I remember, I think Trump said that at least half an airplane hitting that thickness of steel, which the Twin Towers' incredible outer cage had, could not penetrate and would be torn up as wreckage falling outside the buldings.
Many, many highly qualfied experts agree.
But it is highly significant in more ways than one that the the current President of the USA does not accept the official 9/11 even as being a possibility of being the truth.

(One point of significance has to be the power of those who were really responsible for planning and enacting what happened on 9/11.
If the PotUS has no power himself beyond declaring in the media his disbelief of the official report and view, what exactly does this kabbalistic 9/11 phenomenon amount to? The height of the so-called supreme Illuminati style western or global control itself?)