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RE: Why are Intelligent people likely to be alone?

in #life7 years ago

I am not trying to suggest that I am more intelligent then others in any way, but what you are saying really speaks to me. I often have difficulty talking to others because the exercise is truly boring. I personally do not care about the superficial "goings on" of another individuals life and I find that others rarely try to engage in meaningful/insightful conversation. When I try to discuss ideas with others, I am typically met with yawns and glazed over looks. So for me, conversations with others typically involves me listening to someone talk a lot about nothing and that's the extent of it. People want to clarify their own ego which basically means they want someone to pet their head and tell them their pretty - or smart, or kind, or hard working. It really is easier to just be alone sometimes.

Anyway. Nice post!


I dare say 'Intelligent spotted'.

Why do I say so? because of this.

So for me, conversations with others typically involves me listening to someone talk a lot about nothing and that's the extent of it.

Interestingly, I have already countered that here;

And listening to others is what probably makes you intelligent. Here you go, I have covered that too here;

Thanks for sharing your insight,.