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RE: There Is No Planet B

in #life3 years ago

Kids today are the new teenagers. They are just doing things earlier these days.

It used to be that you did whatever the authority figures (parents, teachers, police, politicians...etc) said up until you were 16-18. Then you rebelled and did the exact opposite of whatever the authority said. And then you grew up further becoming a young adult and began to formulate your own beliefs and values and followed those. And then from there you enter the echo chamber of society where you only listen to those that discuss similar views as your own. Then you find the news outlet that feeds you what you like to hear and start allowing them to think for you and to push those ideals to the extremes and to fight tooth and nail against anything that questions those beliefs regardless of logic and reason....and thats humanity in a nutshell. Kids are just doing these things earlier now. Hahaha

In all seriousness though It's good that she's finding her voice and speaking up for what she believes in. You have to respect that with kids these days.


Not kidding about the earlier bit. 8 years old, I was fecking flabbergasted.

I think you are right thuogh and perhaps its something to do with the internet and this over-connected world we live in but she is way more attuned to the outside world than I ever was at that age.

I am quite proud of the fact she was so determined to do it. I was almost tempted to start rebelling against myself! lol


The internet definitely plays a part. Facebook was literally called to congress for its algorithm only feeding people exactly what they want to hear. No wonder there is so much polarization in the world, every topic gets reduced down to a left vs right political argument even though these things often have nothing at all to do with politics. This happens with every issue in society not just COP26, people view every issue through a political lens. Why?

It's like:

"sir, how do you feel about this issue relating to morality and ethics?"

"Well my political circle has this to say about the issue, therefore I think that as well."

"Okay, and how about this issue of science. The science suggest that (...insert findings...), how do you feel about that?"

"Well, my political circle does not believe in that science therefore I do not believe in it."

Personally, I respect people more when they have mixed feelings about a topic. Many issues today are highly complex so if a person can see multiple sides of the issue and its impacts across multiple fields and they are unsure where it all fits in within their own values and belief system, then at least it shows that they are thinking about the topic themselves and are not just regurgitating with certainty, the reduced down argument that their biased news outlet is telling them.

These are just my personal thoughts on political polarization hahaha 🤣

I like your thoughts on it all, lol. They are similar to my own. I think people with a mixed bag of opinions and thoughts is better than someone just trotting out the same line that they have heard someone else and there is no scope for accepting anything different.

I especially like it if they have something to back it up rather than internet warblings from a crazy site!

But yeah, the internet really does make a difference. I have found my daughter googling millions of random things she wants to know the meaning of and I keepthinking I wished there was something similar when I was young