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RE: Priority One

in #life3 years ago

I dropped a car crash GIF into our chat and followed it couple of smiley emojis.

My wife would be very pleased with this. She loves GIFs at work - sending them and receiving them lol.

So funny when companies cut all the staff that has the knowledge of how things work because of budget cuts or going LEAN and then get hugely bitten in the ass when shit goes wrong and no one knows how to fix it.

No sympathy haha


Haha, we have been through LEAN. What a load of twaddle. We have done exactly that. Let them all go, left a skeleton of folk and now they go mad that nothing is working and no one can fix it.

Which GIFs always fix. It's great to fire them out. It's what Teams was made for :0)

Yeah the same thing happened at the company my wife worked for and one project alone has cost them, probably pushing a million dollars at this point or soon to. She found salvation in GIFs as well 😂

I think she is wise to vent that way, it's infuriating. As long as she and the rest of us are safe in our jobs that's the main thing!

I sometimes wonder at companies that are so short sighted

You and me both lol