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RE: Rolling It Back

in #lifelast year

He has risen! Lol.
So not sore from the wine flu (wine flu sounds better than beer flu), just the sore from the house work. That's normal. I'm 38 and I get ridiculously sore doing any work whatsoever that involes a deck.


Omg man, wine flu. I love it, that's going to be my next thing. The Good Lady will hate it but I'm sure she will laugh!

I all glad I finished power washing the mook off it but have to wait for a couple of dry days so I can oil the fecker. Then it will be done and can be enjoyed!!

Haha yeah, my friend said it the one day a few years ago when "swine" flu was going around. It stuck with me ever since.

Decks are surprisingly a lot of work and ongoing maintenance. They are great though and well worth it.

It's definitely genius!

They really are worth it. I must confess, I felt a certain pride surface as I revealed the blonde wood underneath the smeg of winter that has been covering it!


Oh yeah, that looks great! Huge difference