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RE: Soul Taker

in #life7 months ago

My cousin has one of those that he puts on when sitting around the campfire in the backyard. Every once in a while a large bug gets caught between the two electocuty things and makes a really long zapping sound like as if it's getting fried in an electric chair - it's glorious




Oh man, it sounds crazy but I can't wait to hear something like that!! Lol.

That's pretty much what I got it for, those evenings outside where you just want to chill but don't want to be eaten alive!

I think it's the moths that do that mainly. I wonder what bugs are most attracted to it? Ideally it would be mostly to kill mosquitos (here in Canada) but I don't know if they are attracted to them or not.

The blurb says it is the biters that are most attracted to it because the two wavelengths of UV light are like human skin? Don't know how that works. Moths just join in because they love anything light 😀

Okay I see. That's good then.

Although it zapped a giant bluebottle last night and I cant think what drew that in!