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RE: To build wisdom requires an accurate mathematical model of the universe

in #life7 years ago

Not that I mean to imply the social sciences are nearly as analytically robust or lean on scientistic nonsense, but it isn't all rubish. Herbet Blumer's "What's Wrong With Social Theory" still seems pretty good, unfortuantely, seems to be hidden behind paywalls that helps keep these bubbles inflated. But this link may work. JSTOR wanted $14 to download shaking my head. But it seems like much of the social sciences are full of what Blumer would define as "sensitizing concepts." Blumer seemed to emphasize the importance of bringing concepts into a verification process with teh empirical world so that errors inaccruracies would eventually be discovered and corrected--if possible--assuming there is is "unified model" as you seem to discuss in the previous post.