New Study: The Earth’s Soil Is Nearly Tapped Out [VIDEO]

in #life7 years ago

The first large-scale study of the health of earth's soil shows that 75% of it is nearly tapped out. Watch this short clip from my show "Redacted Tonight." If you like it, please share.


The soil can be fixed. It just has to be prepared with food waste, plant waste, organic fertilizers etc. and it will be back to top quality soil soon. In forests this happens naturally with decomposing foliage.

Now would be a good time to start growing your own food if you have the resources available to do so.

My balcony already has lots of parsley, sive and spring onions. Especially sive and spring onions are really easy to grow. Parsley is easy but a little harder than the first two. I also have Kale. Kale is a true survivor that grows fast and provides lots of leaves to eat. Kale will also produce lots of seeds for future plants. I advise mixing animal horns into the soil and using organic fertilizer.

Soon we will buy 5 new plant pots to add Habanero Chocolate, Paprika Mavras F1, and more Kale and possibly tomatoes. Tomatoes are not ideal for balconies though.

My my... I wonder the species responsible for this - 3 guesses who. Am sure mother Earth is weeping right now

As we have scientists researching about colonization of other planets with poor soils, the Earth is becoming like Mars.