The Mainstream Media Is Lying About The California Fires

in #life6 years ago

(This is my original work, published only here and TruthDig.)

I don’t like accurately predicting the future. But it happens to me sometimes. And it’s never a good thing.

Not once have I predicted that I would stumble upon a great sum of money or that a friendly squirrel would mysteriously leave a fresh, delicious scone on my windowsill. No, the things I’ve said that have come true years later have always been utterly awful. And the latest one has to do with California.

This week, Donald Trump has continued to blame the horrific fires in California on forest mismanagement—basically saying that if the parks service had just raked up a few more dry leaves, then countless people, homes and buildings would not have been incinerated. I unintentionally predicted this kind of idiocy. I said something similar in a 2011 stand-up comedy album titled “Chaos For The Weary.”

To paraphrase, I said, “You notice no matter how close they say the major effects of global warming are, it doesn’t change how we all behave. … Soon they’ll be saying, ‘People in California are ON FIRE!’ and everyone will be like, ‘They probably live in a very fiery area. They’re probably storing dry stuff in their homes—like old magazines and elderly people.”

Read the rest of this column on TruthDig.


I was unaware that the poor people that are fighting the fires were inmates being paid 1$ an hour until watching your show! That's horrendous. The news calls them fire fighters but that's hardly a term I would use to reference them. True fire fighters are either volunteer or paid a decent salary (to my knowledge, don't actually know what they get paid in various states). They should give these people a different term so people understand that they are being taken advantage of.
Sad how they won't admit that an additional component of the fires is them sucking the lakes and rivers dry out there, decreasing the evaporation and creation of clouds for more rainfall. Not surprising at all though.

Firefighting Slaves.