I partially agree with you, in that if we resign our minds to being sick, we will stay sick. That's a mental attitude.
But biology is physical. Many diseases cannot simply be "cured" by positive thinking, or by denying it exists in the first place.
What you said is exactly why people with unseen illnesses have so much trouble in the world.
For example, a person with fused vertebrae can't heal himself no matter how much he "takes responsibility for his life" or "appreciates the miracle of life." The nerves in his spine will continue to cause constant pain unless some outside force negates that pain. Positive thinking isn't going to cut it.
A broken leg will heal itself without the "mds [who are] payed for medicin they prescribe" but it will heal crookedly and could cause irreparable damage.
Ah, but you can see a broken leg - it will look twisted or swollen. So is that the excuse one needs to get professional help? Internal diseases are just as, if not more debilitating than a simple broken bone. But there is no twisted limb or swollen joint. Does that mean it doesn't exist?
"Make a decision and stand up to heal yoursef." That is exactly what she is doing by going to a specialist.
@lauralemons I hope you find some relief soon. Stay strong - we're all rooting for you!!