My latest research is about average age for virginity loss in different countries.
Average age to lose your virginity in different countries:
India- 19 years
Italy- 18 years
Turkey- 18 years
Spain- 17,5 years
Japan - 17,2 years
France - 17,2 years
Canada - 17 years
USA- 16,9 years
United Kindom- 16,6 years
Germany - 15,9 years
Island - 15,6 years
What you say about these numbers?
Should a women stay virgins until marriage, or some experience is good?
Children start to mastrubate in the age of 5 or 6 so early sex is not weird. We also know that before, cca 50 years, people step into marriage in the age of 15, today, average in west countries is late twenty.
Our parents teach us that we have to be emotionaly ready for sex and have a knowledge about safe sex - does we know that in the age of 16? It depends - some children are mature, some not.
When you lost your virginity? Do you regret?
Interesting article, upvoted. Every country is a lil bit
Did you make this up? Haha