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RE: Stephen Hawking World Renowned Physicist Tribute @senseicat

in #life7 years ago

I only found out Stephen Hawking died from reading your post. So first of all, thanks for the update.
This is a bitter-sweet moment, I think. On one hand, this amazing man lived longer than anyone could have imagined, and was bright and successful and was blessed with a family and reputation and almost anything a man can want. On the other hand - he didn't have what most people take for granted - the ability to move, or even to function.
I'm amazed by what technology and medicine can do for a man's body, and making it to age 76 - which is something that until fairly recently was rare in the world even for healthy people - is almost unbelievable in Hawking's condition. So on the one hand, yes, this is very sad, the world lost a great man and a genius. On the other hand - I do hope he gets to rest in peace now. This couldn't have been an easy life to live, even for a genius.