I'm not going to deny you that money matters, because we need it to survive in the global economy we've created, but it's not the most important thing in life.
Time is the most valuable thing we can have, and we generally do not appreciate it as we should.
If you look around, many people change their time only for money something that is valuable but not so much if you compare it with time.
This happens because we have been taught since we were very young that when we grow up, we must work to earn money and spend it immediately. In this way we believe that work is something that you must support for many hours a day for a simple means; get money to pay the rent and your monthly expenses.
It also happens that our current economy is based on the rules of the industrial revolution, where a person's working time was not so important. What mattered was that we were all part of a "system" where everyone has their strict hours to comply.
In short, it is clear that money is an essential good, but it is not everything. It is easier to get money than to get time. Time is a finite good, perhaps, the most valuable thing we have and we do not give it the value it deserves.
I don't know why you have placed then head to head, but I'm quite sure you have got your reasons. But, to me I atteset to the fact that time is money. They are both valuable, if wasted you are doomed, as it will always boomerang, when you have got that money invest wisely. And, you have always gotten the time now, use it wisely before old age comes. Time is money. Spend it with care.... Lovely write-up friend...
I am not good at English. Money is only money. not good and not bad. Good guys use money good things. Bad guys use money bad things. If you think money is good, you are good guy. :D.
Im not sure that came out the way you wanted it to come out what language do you speak my friend?
Nice little article! This is something that has been on my own mind a lot lately! +1