Today I had a virtual C&P Exam for Veterans Affairs. I can literally say my mind is spent. But it got me thinking. Wow, have I seen some crazy shit in life. It's honestly hard to wrap my mind around.

Currently, we are in the midst of the Corona Virus and the George Floyd Riots. I am honestly wondering what else 2020 is going to bring. It's moving so fast that huge events from this year are already forgotten.
My local town had an EF-4 tornado in March that killed 18 people. My own family was affected as our cousin lost her husband, a child, and a best friend. People are still literally trying to clean up and rebuild their homes. My cousin from the tornado is coming home from the hospital today after three months in the hospital.
My other cousin is still in ICU from a different incident. He is currently not responding to commands and still on a ventilator.
I know it's been said that "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". But Damn 2020... You have been quite the trying year and we aren't even half way through.
Thanks for letting me get some thoughts out in writing.