I was looking for the video of the atomic sit up the other day and I came across a friend's pictures from Iraq the other day. It was photos of us taking liquor bottles to the skull. The comment next to the photo was "This is how we numbed the pain". It was strange to realize how we went from partying to dulling our pain with alcohol. Many of us came of age during War and adding alcohol to the mix was even worse. I know there are many vets out there. I will be speaking @jdawg soon so we can come up with ways to utilize this platform to help brothers who are looking for support and camaraderie. We know they are out there. Just gotta build it and they will come. Your comment is a sobering picture of the reality and I do hope we can be of positive support and influence.
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You guys let me know how I can help. This platform has so much potential for further reconnecting and/or helping our <1%! There will be a lot of skeptics and naysayers from our brethren though.
Oh yeah. I know. I've been thinking about this issue.