Glad to see the jaws of liberty again in action :)I'll look forward to it :) if you're ever intrested in vloggin you should swing by the comunity i've kinda see born and now bloosom, @onelovedtube and our discord
Your account won't be left alone. You will be missed though.
Bernie even attacked Dlive after they had a technical issue. You'd have to wait for SMTs for a platform where there isn't much flag wars. Voted you here because your post was nuked.
Glad to see the jaws of liberty again in action :)I'll look forward to it :) if you're ever intrested in vloggin you should swing by the comunity i've kinda see born and now bloosom, @onelovedtube and our discord
fuck :( i was happy to see my favourite dolphin back T_T
well bro, hope you have the best of recovers and godspeed on any-all your projects.
Your account won't be left alone. You will be missed though.
Bernie even attacked Dlive after they had a technical issue. You'd have to wait for SMTs for a platform where there isn't much flag wars. Voted you here because your post was nuked.