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RE: Hey everyone, I've got my first Steemit stalker! :(

in #life7 years ago

Oops, I see it's at, not here! Will update my work log (I like to keep parts of my brain outside my body, especially now that it's damaged).

So, it's: in the URL, replace "" with "", and then add "/edits". I know @yaanivapeji edited his comment because I noticed it ended after the first two sentences, and now has a third, so I can test with his comment: hmm, that wasn't quite it either. I think I see it, now: after the tag (e.g., "influence/" above, or "life/" for @yaanivapeji's comment), delete everything up to and including the "#", then add "/edits" to the end: awesome! And that's how it's done. :)


You're welcome . . . now, you're dangerous . . . has a lot for analyzing . . .

Rather dangerous:

Thanks for the motivation! It was a huge struggle with these headaches and forgetting, but I managed to work through the issues. Don't know PHP very well at all, LOL, there's no "$url =~ s/find/replace/;" like Perl has...

I want it to open in a new tab but ran out of time right now, gotta get on the road. Happy with the progress, and will complete it later! :D

@goldkey, I have another question: I noticed a comment was deleted; is there a way to see those? I tried a few changes but didn't get anywhere.

Also, a meta-question: are there docs for steemdb? Thanks!

The deleted comment, from steemdb:

shuwix deleted comment @shuwix/re-libertyteeth-re-shuwix-re-libertyteeth-re-shuwix-re-jerrybanfield-secrets-of-influence-start-with-skills-20170827t064057882z

No. I don't know. I'm stumbling in the dark here too, looking for docs on steem, steemd, etc. . . So far, I haven't seen a 'deleted comment'. I thought blockchain was forever, even edits are maintained.
Thanks for transfer :)

Sure thing! Thanks for your help. Don't know if you know but I'm recovering from multiple concussions and used to develop software, and have a very difficult time at it these days. So your explanation and motivation are really precious. Thanks.

Oh, and also -- I think the comment is still on the blockchain, just that it now appears "deleted" when viewing it via the website.

Hmm, I wonder if I can put a URL together to get to that comment?

After quite a bit of trying, I give up.

I also searched for "delete a post on steemit" and there were many discussions, and a feature request, but I didn't see how to do it.

I know it's possible, as shows it was done, currently the eighth entry.

Aha! Finally got steemdb to show me something -- but all it shows is empty. Perhaps he posted an empty comment, then deleted it? Here's the link: