in #life6 years ago

Our life style habit plays an very important role if we talk about keeping health fit and fine.Life style diseases can not happens in few day it takes years to pour root of it in your body and slowly kills your health if your are not aware in early stage of it.when the diseases get chronic you comes across the danger symptoms of it.

Following are the life style diseases can enter at any phase of your life which does not concern with age.

1.Migraine-extreme headache to the patient CT Scan/MRI blood report does not shows any problem but sill you have
2.Diabetes- High blood sugar
3 Cholesterol-Elevated levels of lipoprotein
4.Uric acid -Uric acid is a chemical produced when your body breaks down foods that contain organic compounds called
purines.high uric acid for 5-6 yr cause you gout
6.Chronic liver/kidney disease
7.Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

  1. Heart disease, nephritis/CRF,
  2. Stroke

It is always better to care of your body instead of cure.
our body has a extreme power to heal the diseases by its own only when you change your life style otherwise no one helps you to cure.modern medicine may helps till certain limit and if you are long time on medicine it may damage your kidney friend lets helps our body to heal by it itself in natural ways.
..........Prevention is better than cure............
Three things can helps to heal many times all the lifestyle disease.

1.DIET i.e Healthy diet.

Change your diet plan if you are prone to eating in huge quantity and for long period of time.stop..stop ..stop it.
.....stop eating same thing daily it leads your health life to danger zone.
......change your diet as per your body requirement consult with dietitian and nutrition expert for initial period
keeping body hydrated it doesn't mean drink more water, you should limit your water consumption.i.e whenever you feel thirsty then only drink water because body can digest that.if you drink more that doesn't needed then the body will have to take extra efforts to flush it out.
eat first meal early in the morning and whatever you like ,eat in morning so that body get time to digest whatever you have taken.
Replace your breakfast with lunch and dinner as a breakfast
Take a meal in morning before 9.30 then eat fruits around 2 pm and eat small meal around 6 pm
My advice 1. 70 percent of your diet should contain green vegetable and fruits in its original natural form.
2. dont eat same thing daily
3. dont eat solid things for a day if you are suffering indigestion due to overeating.drink some citric acid
juices which include pineapple oranges etc
3.take care of you stomach. eat in limited quantity and quality food because if it is working well then only it
can digest food and produce energy to heel your health.
4. Avoid Animal food.such as meat,egg,milk on daily basis.once a month is OK.and that also in Morning don't
eat any animal food in evening or night.
5. Dont do fasting instead eat less for a day.
6. never eat late night because you go to sleep and your body still works and our body parts need not get time
to rest.

2.PROPER EXERCISE- at least 1 hr early in the morning daily
Exercise for a week-Before doing any exercise do warmup exercise for a 10 min atleast
2 day moderate speed running or walking for half and hr then 15 min basic starches and 15 min meditation/pranayam.
2 day swimming/or walking in a water/stairs for half and hr then 15 min basic starches and 15 min meditation/pranayam.
1 day basic yoga straches
2 day just observed nearby by thing such as birds,animals,trees and enjoy,laugh and feel beauty of nature. dont do
anything physical exercise i.e rest period
MY Advice-you can increase any exercise gradually not suddenly
do exercise with happiness. dont be stress
donot overexercise

if you take good diet and proper exercise naturally you get sound sleep.

Advice- Sleep around 10 pm ans wake up around 5.30 AM
minimum sleep at least 8 hr in 24 hrs
take mini snap for half and hour in afternoon

so friend Take care of your own health if you are not healthy take a steps to make yourself healthy and happy.
always invest money and time for improving your health because if your having Health you can do anything and you can enjoy everything in the world.

Make Healthy family and Happy Family
Enjoy Beautiful Life
Be Happy
do whatever you like and enjoy this beautiful journey of LIFE