The western world claims to be far ahead in development and gender equality.
This is a borrowed picture from the web.
During my entire working life, I have worked hard to achieve respect and trust. I work in a male world and despite my attempts to be one in the gang, I realized that I was treated differently, so after 30 years, I have to admit that it has always been the men against women. It has rarely been pronounced but through their actions I have understood that I will never be recognized for what I do or have done, I have been a threat to my boss. A threat because I could push him out of his job because I knew it better.
I have explained things in a female way, which meant that no one tried to understand, but when one man said the same thing, he is smart, has pondus and is inovative. We are in 2018 but have just taken an antifreeze in gender equality. I still hope there Will be a time when equality Will be honored and well spread in the world.
maybe watching the "Red Pill" by Cassie jaye will make you feel better ?
or this ?
Love this one! Thank you for the "happytime"