in #life9 years ago

I don't want to ruin anyone's idea, but I would like to throw out some ideas.

What do you think oh, say, PT Barnum would do if given access to STEEMIT?

How about Hypatia, Groucho Marx, Marie Curie?

Okay I'm just dreaming.

What about Ghengis Kahn? Joan of Arc? Aristotle?

Okay, I can't ruin anyone elses ideas.

So, what do you think STEEMIT?

Who would you follow if you could?

Please do leave a comment as to why.

As soon as I figure out what is acceptable and what constitutes stealing I'll find pictures to go with these posts.
One more thing, if I could follow anyone, living or dead, on STEEMIT, it would be:

Thomas Paine,

He was one of the best rabble rousers that history has ever produced.

He was not a hooligan or a brute.
Depending on who you ask, he may have been a criminal or a hero.
I think he would call himself a free man.
I think he would use STEEM to do exactly what he has already done, only more so.

He was a thinker, speaker, writer, and not prone to unquestioning, blind belief in silly superstitions. Superstitions that not only destroy peoples lives,
but are passed down from one generation to the next causing untold suffering down through the ages.

He was one of a very few truly free men, the kind that we could use more of these days.
The kind that, if we let it, we could use STEEMIT to allow ourselves to become.

So let's have some Common Sense, STEEMIT!

Who would YOU follow?

  • Robert Anton Wilson
  • Jesus Anyone preaching personal sovereignty and using massive amounts of cannabis is cool in my book. :)
  • Earl Nightengale
  • Dale Carnegie
  • Mozart
  • Shakespear
  • The Tall White Man Who Walked and Taught Across the Aztec Empire?
  • The Creator of the Georgia Guidestones
  • Moses Would love to hear his justification for stealing the ark full of ormus/mstate and using it to extend the lives of himself and his sons.

The whole 'dead' people angle was intriguing. Thank you :)

i was wondering if someone might say jesus. RAW hadn't occurred to me . he only missed steemit by a few years, shame, that.
great answers. also i think WC Fields. thanks.

Judas. I think the guy is radically misunderstood... :)

there is a story about da vinci, when he was looking for the model for judas for his last supper. the rest was done and he had looked everywhere for the perfect judas. one day in a prison he found a man, perfect, he thought to pose for his judas. upon asking him to pose, the man replied, "don't you recognize me?" i posed as your jesus, not long ago."
true or not, i love the story and the meaning therein.

I love that story!!! It's the first I'd heard it, thank you! Sometimes I wonder if all the disciples weren't just various aspects of Jesus (humanity). i.e. he was all of them.

there is also a book, the sacred mushroom and the cross by john marco allegro that is impeccably sourced and argues that christianity at its origins was a mushroom cult. not to tear them down, but the evidence is pretty compelling.

I can think of soooo many.... but I would love to have dinner with the musician Leonard Cohen and hear all his stories about the music legends from the 60's and 70's.... Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Joan Baez, Jimi Hendrix....eishhhhh, I could go on and on...

how about louis armstrong? or leadbelly? i often wonder if mozart would be fascinated or go out of his mind at music today

Why did you flag my post man? If you dont agree with me make a comment and prouve me wrong with solid facts! ,we can make a debate in peaceful way

i didn't flag your post, man. someone did and i was wondering in my reply who and why that might have been. i somewhat agree with you, other than a small issue of framing and clarifying terms. no, it wasn't me who flagged you. i have not used the flag yet. that is what i like about this place. everyone can have their say. sometimes troll hunting is fun, but unless i've misjudged, you are not one of them. good day.

Bill and Melinda Gates. I won't to know why they are working with the Rockefeller foundation and when they decided eugenics was a good thing.

i seem to remember bill's father is or was a eugenicist, i don't know if he is still alive. i'll have to look it up.

President of Planned Parenting I believe.