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RE: The Curmudgeon's Bible - Jesus and Nicodemus

in #life8 years ago

It hadn't occurred to me this was uncommon knowledge. I guess if I had thought of it, it would have made sense.

I think that 'breath' and 'wind' are recognizable as synonymous. We 'get the wind knocked out of us', and 'get winded', but 'breath' and 'spirit' may not be so obvious.

SPIRit, and inSPIRatition derive from the same. To exSPIRe is to lose the breath. We even 'shuffle off this mortal coil'. The coil is a SPIRal.

We learned Greek in church from the time I was four, but, that inspiration and inhalation are the same was even taught at kung fu, just before 'the breath informs the motion, and the motion drives the breath'.

We also learned some Aramaic, but the Hebrew was not a big focus. We were more interested in the words of Jesus.


One man's common knowledge is another's occult...

I guess a lot depends on the environment you were brought up in! :)

Thanks for your inSPIRing observations. ;)

I forget sometimes. I still remember being shocked the first time I realized that not everyone knows how 'chapter and verse' works. That was decades ago, and I can still see the look of incomprehension on my friend's face. It was probably much like the look on my own.


I actually have a cousin who is co-founder of a company ("Biblica"? I think?) that promotes reading the bible entirely without the "versification" and "chapterizing" - both of which are great if you're doing a detailed study, but not so much if you just want to read the story.

I was delighted to discover that provides a mode where the verse numbering disappears. When you combine that with a "printer" view, you can actually read a chapter of the bible at a time without those distractions!

I just got used to it and the numbers fade into the background. I'll check it out and see if I notice. I've been using i don't think it has this feature. it has many different versions. I'm most used to KJV and NIV, but have used many more. My parents raised me to be a minister. Sometimes it's like wearing scripture colored sunglasses.