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RE: Caring for a Dying Parent That I Don't Like!

in #life7 years ago

You write in such an immediately accessible way that I felt instantly drawn into your post. Or maybe I was just MKUltra'd by the Star Wars pic!!😊

Either way I can relate, completely. My 91year old father has Althzeimers, needs full time monitoring, he is also Type 1 diabetic (amazing he has lasted this long actually!) also 6'2 ex army with OCD...with that combo you can just imagine what a joy he is to care for!! And I toggle between caring for him and my own children like the proverbial jam in a sandwich forever being flattened by other peoples needs!

Most often he doesn't even know who I am, most of the time he probably mistakes me for the cleaning lady. But, the thing is, I know who HE is, or more accurately, was! And for all his faults he always did what he could for me, so in this circle of life, frustrating, flawed and other F words that is it, I, like you, just keep going, doing what we can and staying strong.

Sending you a solidarity hug and wishing both you and your father peace ⭐️