Great article Tony, thanks for posting on this subject! As someone who hasn't had a telly for 15 years, what I am about to say is possibly not cool. BUT, pressing on anyway...a new american TV series called Black Mirror (which is in itself an ironic reference to the screens most people now have in their living rooms...or in their hands...kinda reminds me of those 2 way mirrors in the old 1980s spy movies...and who knows I have read research that suggests they actually MIGHT be...but I digress...sorry)
They did an episode called "Nose Dive" in which they graphically imagine a world where everyone's life is rated according to social media, where they are monetised and acredited according to their behaviour being socially acceptable within extremely narrow confines, advertised and marketed to through known, monitored algorithms. Is this sounding scarily and uncannily close to the reality you describe!?!
And sheesh, Tony, they aren't even trying to hide it any more...its all in plain sight, and worse yet they seem to be rubbing our noses in it, as more buy into the "black screens/mirrors" and become utterly indoctrinated. Soon they won't even NEED fluoride any more!!!
Yes someone else made me aware of this series I need to watch it! Thanks for reminding e! Yes the way people get their whole World view from a black box will never cease to amaze me!
HOpe you enjoy it...I have only seen a couple of episodes of it, but the "Nose Dive" one absolutely hit the nail on the head!
The saddest thing is most are not aware of the extent to which their "world view" has been shaped and manipulated by that Black 2 way Mirror!