I almost had a rough day.
After hitting the road back to my house, I decided to do a quick check on my linkedin updates.
And something beautiful happened. I saw a video.
It was shared by one of my linkedin connections, it is a video make by Goalcast (check these guys out, they share amazing thoughts and inspiration).
There were words in this video that I can;t put share with you. Here they go...
Whatever you do not employ, you forfeit
Whatever you don't use, you lose
Lack of use causes loss
If you tie your arm to your body, leave it there long enough, you'll never use it again. It's over for the arm
The only way to keep using your arm, is to keep using it.
If you quit, you lose it automatically
Now, the same ting that goes for your arm, goes for your brain. Mentality.
The same thing goes for all the human virtues.
Ambition unused declines
Strong feelings unused diminish
Faith unused decreases
Vitality unused diminishes
Energy unused diminishes
If you don;t use today, it's lost
A talent unused is lost
Use all that you've got!
Do I need to say anything further? Do I need to inspire you any more?
Can you get ti work right away and keep moving?
Let's make today count and not just count today.
#YouAreLimitless and there is no impossibility for you!