10 Things to consider GIVING up - if you want to be successful.

in #life7 years ago

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Sometimes, to become successful and get closer to the person you can become, you don’t need to add more things – you need to give some of them up.
There are certain things that are universal, which will make you successful if you give up on them, even though each one of us could have a different definition of success.

  1. Give up on a “Short term Mindset”
    To be successful you need to set long term goals.
  2. Give up on Excuses
    Own your life and take more responsibility.
  3. Give up Multi-tasking
    Be fully present and committed to one task and complete it. Don’t waste time from switching between tasks and creating an illusion that you are managing it all.
  4. Give up your need to control everything
    Detach from the things you cannot control, focus on the ones you can.
  5. Give up on saying YES to things that does not support your Goals
    You need to say NO to certain things that will consume your valuable time and has no effect on contributing to your goals or happiness.
  6. Give up on Toxic People
    Stay away from Negative People. They have a problem for every solution. People you spend time with, add up to whom you become.
  7. Give up on the Unhealthy Lifestyle
    You can start with small steps, but this is one of the most important things to do. Get better sleep, Eat Healthier and partake in more physical activity
  8. Give up on your NEED to be liked
    Remain authentic and continue to improve.
  9. Give up on wasting time
    Use your time wisely and continue to create a legacy by doing things which enriches your life NOW.
  10. Give up on believing in “Instant Success”
    Even if you improve 1% a day you would have improved 365% in a year. Overnight Success is a Myth. Small improvement everyday equals huge success in the long run.