Life is Changing!! 🐸

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hi all


(Funny that a sloth is so fitting lol )

Hope you have all been well and enjoying your Steemit journeys. been wanting to restart mine for ages now! so sure my husband @edprivat thinks I might never go back to writing lol. Don't ask me what it is that's been keeping me back because I really don't know, could it be writer's block, I wish! guess just not sure what to say or where to start!


I left my 8-year long job but still I play fewer games now!!! Had such high hopes for upping my gaming but I'm now more focused on raising kids, homeschooling, working on our company SoMuchMore Pty Ltd, Our Brand EdPrivat and being a Wife and Mom! all things I enjoy quite a lot in this new life I've decided to take on this year in the pursuit for balance and true fulfillment in life.

Quitting a 9-5 or in my case, 8:30am to 7pm, some weekends and long work trips had its pros and cons but in my view more pros that I have to wrap my head around and plan for accordingly.

let's start with the so-called Cons :

  • My blissful illusion of long term security of income which is not very true at all because anything could happen to any company at any given time especially in the Financial world.

  • Career growth and its abundance and luxuries....... all of which is determined by someone else, mainly ur boss, and so is your worth/value by the way so pace yourself and hope u have pools of patience.

  • Bidding many of my industry networks farewell but some good friendships were developed that I know will remain in place even outside of the field

ahhhh running out of cons already, give me a second here to think.... ok fine ill come back to them lets do the pros......tenor.gif


  • Freedom to determine your own worth and value! yes granted Sh1t loads of work and endless hours go into building something at the start but its not for nothing! every bit of energy, sweat, blood, and new gray hair is not for nothing but much like a plant, every drop of water adds to the plant's growth and the juiciness of its budding fruit.
  • Another plus you teach yourself to build multiple revenue streams and diversifying your income! something we should honestly all be taught about in school already but then I guess everyone would know the secret to building true lasting wealth and financial balance.
  • The chance to really live for your family and with your family! life is already so short and so full and we give away so much of our time daily! Work, social media, friends, strangers, politics, TV, games, ads, Stress and worries, self-doubt, conflicts, sleeping, eating, traffic, family, you. if you would put all of that into a pie chart of just how much time is spent on the topmost important items on that list that actually make us happy, well it would look something like this

We could carry on to month, year and life time frames but not needed. This used to be a just day and a week of my life, I'm sure others are more balanced but something is terribly wrong with this picture, right? Balance is crucial and always needed in life else you miss out on all the things in life that actually matter and make life worthwhile.

A life spent like this takes away from you rather than enrich, you lose track of who you are and real goals in life and things that matter, you take for granted those you love and enjoy in the delusion of "providing" them with more.

Life and wealth are not quantified by the amount of time spent chasing and hoarding paper and coins but rather the time spent enjoying and creating a priceless moment in your everyday life to last a lifetime.

  • A chance for spiritual growth and a soul finding adventure!!
    Something we tend to neglect quite often when your life looks like the pie chart above...
    So this is a big part of what I look forward!!

Look my list of pros to this new change and path in my life and my families can go on forever and ill keep sharing them as we go along. After all, this is just a quick update on things lol.

So along with this huge career change in my life, our lives as a family are taking on many other changes some of you may already know about. Very exciting, nerve-wracking life changes!

We are Expecting! yes, number 3 and we are very excited! all of us! kids especially!!!
So lots to prep for there and look forward to including some awesome sleepless nights lol

and lastly! well ..................................

Yip, we are relocating our family from South Africa to France !!
new opportunities, new life, new start and most importantly a chance to give our kids a whole lot more in life!

Read more about our family and plans to relocate here

Till next time !!!


I actually can't believe that you actually wrote a post, am I seeing that right?

I still cannot believe that you spent few days on the post, you really gotta up your game darling, I mean it's good, but you gotta really pour your soul in there, people need to feel your highs and lows, your expectations, your hopes, your fears!

Well I guess the next post is...Wednesday?? It gives you 2 days to think of something to talk about. I know, I know, you're busy with the kids, but sometimes it's about finding that extra hour during the day and just pour your heart on paper, or screen for that matter.

Nonetheless, you get a B+ for the effort, and managing to formulate a thought, I am impressed.
Of course, I am gonna push you all the way, and support you!
In 2 months, you will be writing your posts in French :)

Dude, could you micro manage her any more? Dang Ed. I think you’re doing great @lionmom 😉

Can I get an AMEN!!! lol see @edprivat I didn't have to even say anything :-P lol!
Thank you my dear friend @puravidville, you won't believe it but he had his "professional grading kit" out for correction too after I posted! and all I wanted was a moment alone with my bar of peppermint flavored chocolate to reward myself!

Yum, all I heard was peppermint flavor chocolate… 😋. Haha… I got cha back @lionmom.

Oh my word now we gotta share a bar together!!! I wana make my own from scratch one of these days! I know very few to 0 people who like peppermint flavored choc!!! lol

Big hearts!!!!

What? Peppermint is the best!!! Making your own is easy, although I’m not sure what ingredients you have access to… if you could get your hands on peppermint essential oil and cocoa powder or even a bakers chocolate bar then you’re two steps away from homemade peppermint chocolate. 😋.
If nobody likes it than more for us!!!

I will refrain me from any micromanagement, terribly sorry!

Hahahaha wooops sorry

Believe it!! Im back lol!!!! :-P

Correction.... i didn't spend a few days writing this, I started a while back just never got to finish it because of never having a second to do so.... Plus Prego woman are like cats! when the oppotunity to sleep peers its head, its over and staying up late to write is the last thing to take priority over that sweet, sweeeeet oh so hard to get slumber!.

As for putting heart and soul, baby steps ok, I need to get comfy with my own internal voice again or maybe find it 1st for blogging lol.

Merci for the never-ending Love and support !! and let's be honest we will be very lucky if I have about 5 words of French in those posts on average! but never say never right?

your biggest fan!

You're killing it look at you dropping memes like a pro :)

Random Message Of Kindness

Don't be scared. I'm gonna do a grip of these, you weren't even my first. Thanks for supporting what I've done around here since day 1, you have a beautiful family.

I really need to just check in more! Because everyone I finally do I find a pile of gems just there reminding me how lucky we are to be surrounded by such awesome people near and far!! I thank you for always being around for us I mean always!! Feel like we been through such a long journey here together from the old Steem days and now still!! U and ur breathtakingly beautiful wife!! Sending you guys crazy family love!

Love this article, i also quit my job about 2 years ago and the list of pros is sooooo long.
Nothing can buy that freedom I swear.

Also, why are you guys leaving?

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @aliciasteyn!! very kind indeed! it's really good to hear from like-minded people esp so early in my journey! but instead of all the fear I thought would consume me after such a choice every day just highlights the awesome choice made and the start to a great new life manifesting how I intend it to. taking back that control is a feeling very few words can begin to describe with justice anyway.

As for moving there are a number of reasons! I see you are also from SA so you may or may not relate.
Our kids are mixed and not just South African and it's their birthright to be exposed fairly to both side to start with, but also my beloved home South Africa has many of its own downsides lately, from the general mentality of a 3rd world vs 1st world country and its ways and standards of living, Access to the most basic of human needs/rights that are seen more as a privilege here example: the different levels of standards of education differ widely according to income levels and location. So much so that government school have dropped their matric qualifying passing rate 3 or more times in the past 5 years, crippling the youth and setting them up for failure when it comes to being university standard ready right off the bat and even worse so making that educational gap between us and the rest of the world even larger and harder to bridge.
The violence another reason, as our government fails at maintaining and upkeep the basic needs like electricity and we continue to get scheduled blackouts (which has been better lately but not sure for how long) due to years of pocketing funds allocated for running such infrastructure, its not only crippling our economy, business and country credibility to the rest of the world looking to invest in an emerging market like our own but also sending the wrong message to the rest of the country and crime and easy taking has risen in the darkness
A lot of pent up hate crimes too from years of unresolved racism is surfacing again and for a mixed family, it becomes very hard to find one's place, esp for the kids. but its really not all doom and gloom and there are many many beautiful things too but like any new democracy, there are many things to be worked on and fixed before the right maturity and inclusive mindset it embedded.
More importantly to me and set aside the politics and troubles that every country has just in diff shades and flavors, is it's more about the advancements of the rest of the world and their willingness to accept change for the better from Tech to health care to education, culture all things new that I wish to be more expose to and expose the kids too so that we can one day have something to give back South Africa when we return.
France is the kid's fathers homeland and as such a big part of who they are! but it will never take away from them being South African and they must grow up knowing both so they can be equally proud of every bit of who they are, their full cultural background and be all the wiser and better equipt for life in that way.

Lastly a chance at access to better opportunities that will allow us to provide for our kids the very best in life. I could really go on forever but ill find the time to write a bit more about it and post it sometime ok.

I hope to hear more from you as a fellow South African and I've followed you

Absolutely understand and relate 100%. I dont have a mixed family, but I can only imagine how difficult ut would be to find your place when we are in a heavily seperated space at the moment. The racism is intense, more so than i have ever actually experienced and I was born here and Im 30 now.

I think you guys are making a choice that is for the best especially for your family and the fact that you have kids.
I have been thinking hard on leaving myself, but as I dont have kids, I will miss my parents and my siblings as they are my only family right now.

So ill see, I would love to follow your journey, please update us on how the move goes.
All the best

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello @lionmom, I know and understand the meaning of your beautiful and powerful steem name. Please how is he? I understanding of how it feels raising children because I’m in such process now. Thanks for those fine analysis Cons and Pros things!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi @maxdevalue!! Thank you! it's tied to my families "totem" if you will or family's cultural animal spirit guide. you are the 1st to see it for what it was and its intended meaning thank you! :-)
Our son is recovering and fast but he still thinks he is spiderman which got him the injury in the 1st place! Boys!! he is on some meds at the moment and after they are complete will have to return to the dentist to get things corrected, however, his X-rays show no damage to his skull or facial bones so we are very grateful , and he is just super proud of his 1st picture of his bones at 5 and "war scars" now I know why mothers find it so hard to raise boys, my heart is still stuck in my throat over how he hurt himself! How old and how many kids do you have? I just realized that you can't put a price on time spent with your family and you can't be replaced by money in their lives and I'm grateful I did so early enough in their lives and even still I feel like I have missed so much of them growing up ! my sons 1st 5 years of life and my daughters 1st 3 years of life, so much so when I came home I didn't know who they really were and what they really loved or what made them tick like a mother should and that was my wake up call! they grow up too fast! and there must be a way to give them me, my time, miss less of the magical moments and still provide. Yes not easy to do so but I believe very well worth making it work coz the pros are priceless.

What a lovely reply! Thanks for the clarification, your son is as brave as a lion 🦁.

I have two kids for now, my first son is 4 and my second son is 2yrs. We do everything necessary in making sure that they have our time more than anything else. You’re such a wonderful and a virtuous lady. My love to your mother, kids, hubby with a glorious voice, and your lovely dogs.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Welcome to steemit @lionmom , i can super relate with you on quitting the job for the kiddos , but all worth it right? There's more beauty in it we just have to embrace it. Enjoy here and steem on! 😉

Thank you @zephalexia !! :-)
Totally well worth it! 1st comes fear!, then rationalizing, then clarity, then "why didn't I do his earlier!!!" even in the challenging moments! gives those moments true value and gives you a whole new drive in life! life and success are not a 9 - 5 for the rest of time and there is definitely way more to life than that, that's for sure !! ;-) there is certainly an abundance of beauty in it!

totally agree on that , we might have our own time of shining again once our kids can things on their own, so let's just be grateful and cherish moments while their still kids ❤️

Welcome to Steemit lionmom. The official FAQ can be found here and has A LOT of information - Also remember, Steemit is just ONE of the sites built that uses Steem the blockchain. You should also check out DTube and DSound for starters and if you're a gamer, Steem Monsters! There are many other cool apps but I can't list them all here, there's just too many! But I'd also like to mention Steempeak, it's a better blogging platform that has a lot of cool features. Welcome to the blockchain! :) Oh, and if you're interested in creating your own tokens or smart contracts, check Steem engine!

Hi @janne and thanks for the info! will check a lot of this out coz there has been a lot I've missed out on for sure! Most prob gonna start with those steeam Monsters for sure!!!

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Check it out a @lionmom sighting! It sure is good to see you on here. So many congratulations are in order. I hope you’re feeling well and everyone is getting excited for your big family move- it’s going to be incredible. Dandays and I are always rooting for you guys! God Bless Mrs. Privat :)

Lol!! @puravidaville Thank you!!

Yes!!! an official sighting indeed!!! and you all saw it right here on Steem! an extinct steemian bird has returned lol! or better yet woken up! lol

it's great to see you and @dandays!! u've been great friends over the years and always put big smiles on our faces!

Totally excited for the move but super nervous too, naturally! kinda like hopping into a new theme park ride you just know will be the ride of a lifetime! I'm not as traveled as @edprivat so it will take some getting used to! but I still, feel like a kid before Christmas!!!

Blessing of abundance and love to you both! XXX :-)

Awe, I get it. I was nervous to jump on a plain and move to Costa Rica. Now I realize that no matter where we are I’m home as long as I’m with @Dandays. You’ll see as soon as you touch down for a week. It took me about a week to get my bearings and the rest is all good. These are the adventures we are meant to have. It’s what life is all about. I can’t wait to hear all about it when you get there.

Digging the resurrected bird. It kind of looks like the vultures that live across the street from us.… 🤷🏼‍♀️ God bless you guys and all of your awesomeness !

Your so right though! and its always been the case no matter how big or small the place or the areas we have lived in here in SA home has always been by @edprivat 's side and our families! yes, this has always been here in the same country but iI don't feel like it will differ if in a different country! wherever his smile and love is will always be home!!!

lol the bird is a dodo!!! lol always loved them despite their name lol. Id love to see the Vulture across the street from you one day, if you ever get a pic please share!!!

Lots of lovies to you two our fabulous friends!

I’ll try and get them soon. They usually hang out in the afternoon when it’s hot as hell outside. Actually it’s not the heat that’s too much but the humidity. Anyway that’s my round about way of saying that should I find myself outside by the vultures in the heat of the day I’ll make sure to get you a pic but I wouldn’t count on it 🤦🏼‍♀️ Haha

Isn’t it crazy how we can have so much love between us that it becomes our home? Family and marriage is such a beautiful thing- difficult sometimes but beautiful all the same.

Hello @lionmom

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