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RE: Lamborghini merci beaucoup with the wings

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Lol that weird flex meme was hilarious. I think sometimes people say, "I'm blessed" just because it's a neutral-positive statement finisher. I hardly ever say it, but when I personally do it's to avoid my ego inflating or because I'm trying to look on the bright side of what may be a good opportunity but a tough one. Example #1(ego): I win a prestigious award and have to give a speech. After I've thanked everyone, I need to finish my speech. I say, "I'm blessed" because it is humbling. It's like saying, "I'm lucky to have the positives I do in this life of which there are so many bad things going on and I should be grateful for anything I do have or get that is positive and never zone in on the negatives". Example #2(looking on the bright side): let's say I just got a promotion at work. More responsibility, I've become supervisor BUT pay is exactly the same. In my head, I'm pissed. I deserve more money (assume the company has the funds to give me more money). But everyone is congratulating me and it looks good on a resume so (let's assume again) in 5 years this experience will land me my dream job. Again, pissed, but as having to look n at that 10% of the situation of which is positive and could be 200% positive in 5 years, I'm left to say, "I'm blessed" when people congratulate me on the new position.

I have very little to brag about right now financially, temporarily, but gotta say if I had a car I'd share it to feel better about myself. But I totally understand what you're saying and a lot of those people aren't in dire straights like myself. And a lot of times those types of people make more money than they need working jobs that don't even define them that they hate. They take on all these responsibilities and then want the rest of us to empathize with them.


The humble brag in my opinion is worse than the standard one like if you’re going to brag own it man no half measures!

You make a good point Whoever said money was the real motivation for things never compared it to 2019 online social validation people would rather weird flex and be broke than actually do something actually flex worthy

Posted using Partiko iOS

Lol kind of ironic. Just a bit ago I posted a super long post that could be perceived as a weird flex

Posted using Partiko Android

Lol I think we all find ourselves weird flexing from time to time I do it myself! It’s all about deprogramming yourself, I don’t mind doing normie things just try to be less of a sheeple!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Big egos. No self esteem.
That’s whats up in the neighbourhood

Sorry for such a long response. Caught me at a talkative time earlier

Posted using Partiko Android