July Horoscope - Love, Career and Health

in #life6 years ago


Love - Hidden agendas in love are something Aries often overlook naively, and yet any new relationship may have plenty of these, and so you should be more cautious and perhaps less open – do not give a new romantic partner a window into your soul, letting them have a peek at your vulnerabilities so they can hone in on them.

Career - Financially, things are moving again this month, and any problem with financing or loans for your business project can clear up giving you greater flexibility and scope. While financially things get rolling again, this is not a good month to take on more debt or apply for additional financing over and above what you already have.

Health - This month brings energy which is perfect for Aries who are in a state of flux in their lives – “You say yes, I say no.
You say stop, and I say go go go, oh no.”


Love - With Jupiter direct in your 7th house from the 10th of July, you enter a great phase for relationship decisions about marriage, moving in together, and important joint investment decisions, i.e., putting a deposit down on a house.

Career - You give as good as you get this month, and while at times you may think you are giving too much away and losing ground, this is just a perception, and you may be achieving more than you realise. Your adversaries are not as strong now as you perceive them to be, and so you just need to keep on doing what you do and doing it well to get ahead.

Health - Taurus can quickly become carried away, especially in social situations where alcohol or even drugs are involved, and while these situations can be spiritually quite rewarding, physically they may be the start of a bad habit.


Love - Venus brings you much success in planning big events, especially if they centre on your home or if you play a key role in the catering and the personalisation of arrangements. It is a great time for weddings, major family occasions or just big celebrations.

Career - The best way to plan the next step is a quick recap of where you have come from; knowing how far you have come and what you encountered so far is a great way to set new benchmarks and targets that will make sense in the whole context.

Health - Jupiter goes direct this month, which is good news for health and health goals; if anything had felt up in the air or in question, now it should come into clear focus and be easier to understand and deal with.


Love - You look pretty carefree, which is deceptive as there is so much going on beneath the surface, but for your partner, you will be perceived as a sea of calm, which in turn, breeds more calm in the relationship.

Career - This month, you need to analyse your cash flow – while your frame of mind is generally more creative than logical, you are good with right brain lateral thinking, meaning that you may glean something from the financial figures that you may miss in a more logical mood. It is a good time to brainstorm money making ideas or indeed money raising ideas as you are often more involved in non-profit pursuits than purely selfish financial ones this month.

Health - This month, your idealistic side is stimulated, and your desire to travel or experience more of the esoteric side of life is enhanced. You can look beyond yourself and search for the subtle manifestations of truth and even the secrets of life. It is a time of realisations, not only about yourself but about the world or human folk.


Love - This is a good month to call a truce; even if certain matters have not been resolved, you should let it lie and turn your attention to areas where you can cooperate and do agree. It maybe that you are all talked and argued out and what is really needed is a break to let the words you have exchanged settle.

Career - Leo need to be highly alert right now as your opponents or enemies may be on the ropes, and you can capitalise on their current weakness. In legal battles, you may be able to get the upper hand, but you must play it carefully and not overplay your hand.

Health - It is a good time to distract yourself and think of pleasant subjects – avoid people who want to drag you into lengthy involved topics or negativity. You feel most relaxed when you keep moving, doing this and that and not lingering for too long on any one topic or in any place.


Love - An issue from the past could rear its head and hang about like a bad smell. You may both be reticent about tackling it – perhaps you do not even know how to. The trick is not to allow the lingering bad feeling about this issue to permeate and contaminate a relationship that is generally good.

Career - You can feel new avenues opening up, and even if a dramatic change in career does not happen now, you may sow seeds that will result in significant openings in a few years’ time. Virgo can hone in on what is most essential to progress and regarding transformation and work on it with zest.

Health - You are in a zone where you can work long hours not even realising how long you have been at it, and that can mean you fail to eat and drink regularly which leads to binging on food by packing all your meals into one.


Love - You are eager to chat and share thoughts this month, and so any relationship that already has good communication will be enhanced. It will be hard for Librans who are with partners who are in silent moods as you are highly expressive and need to have feedback and mental stimulation.

Career - This is not a time to put all your eggs in one basket – you should explore different avenues and different people getting many quotes and carefully comparing all the options. You will lose out if you just pick one direction and pursue it with blinkers, ignoring the alternatives.

Health - July is one where the power of attraction can have some stunning results for you. Before you can have success or achieve recognition, you need to believe you deserve it. You need to see yourself as one of the top people in your field. Often, we think we deserve things at a superficial level of consciousness, but if we dig deeper, we can uncover doubts and questions.


Love - This is a great month for forming new friendships and expanding your social circle. You may also use your home as a centre for group activities, and this can help cement new relationships fast as somehow when you invite others to your home the getting to know you phase is speeded up significantly. You are more open to new experiences with people, and that improves your ability to attract new romantic partners.

Career - Time to shift back into second gear as you are about to go up a hill. Yes, Rome was not built in a day, and sometimes progress in any project has its surges and its roadblocks. Right now progress tends to be slower, and you may have to go back over your research or your plans and make some adjustments or compromises.

Health - Think more about safety in the home and be very careful about DIY and also 4th of July fireworks.


Love - This is a great month for home and family, and you may have family staying over or enjoy some landmark events like wedding and anniversaries. There is more enjoyment and a happy atmosphere in the home, even if things have been stressful lately, right now there is a respite.

Career - It is best to tackle both negotiations and team-related tasks in bite-sized pieces; a big mistake is to set a complicated agenda and then get bogged down early on which can be demoralising. Set small achievable goals and build up momentum that way. Your staying power is tested, and yet if you pace yourself and know when to quit for a mental breather, you are up for it.

Health - Sagittarians who are strongly connected to a religious group or even a cult may begin to reject some of those ideas and drift away as this group ceases to have relevance to you.


Love - July is a good month to initiate some conversations about those subjects which usually get the personal rev counter into the red – those conversations can still be tense; I cannot guarantee calm, but I can say that there will be meaningful debate and progress and not detours down dark alleyways of false accusations and unhelpful exaggerations.

Career - Your priorities suddenly seem crystal clear, and you now grasp with greater clarity matters which have significance for you. You will waken to what has been staring you in the face for ages, suddenly it hits you, and you think, “What the heck, how did I miss that?”

Health - It is a time to embrace new ideas even when they make you uncomfortable and to be unafraid of tearing apart old structures in your life. Smash the comfort zones that have begun to make you numb and race to the edges of your experience where you feel some fear, but where you feel alive.


Love - This month brings financial success to couples who work in business together or for couples who have a public profile. This is also a good time for marriages between couples who already work together closely like boss and PA, agent and talent, photographer and model or politician and researcher. New relationships with older and more established partners are probable.

Career - Any venture takes extra energy, planning, cost and guts to achieve and you often have to go about things in a roundabout way to circumvent opposition or confuse your opponent. Nothing is straightforward, and results are often delayed. Any goal that you are not entirely enamoured with or in which you lack faith can fall apart, and this is a good thing as energy is freed up for those goals which are closest to your heart or have most immediate importance.

Health - By slowing down you actually speed up. Indeed to make progress in physical or sporting goals you need to go slow and steady, as by pushing yourself too hard you risk injury and setbacks.


Love - Pisces are very expressive in love, and you will look to surprise your partner and initiate fun events. This is an excellent time to take a holiday together, but not perhaps to laze by the sea, but to engage in a more action-packed or whistle-stop tour style holiday. There is an emphasis on packing stuff in – much to do and see in a short time.

Career - The solar eclipse brings out your creative side, and you feel able to be expressive and even flamboyant. Life has an extra zing, and you are alert to possibilities to grab attention and show off your talents. This a great time to do anything where you perform from sports to the arts to presenting your unique ideas.

Health - This is a good month to fall pregnant, have a baby or start talking about a family. You may feel broody, and the desire to get in the family way is greater.