What do we think about when we are healthy? What are we worried about?

in #life7 years ago

Does anyone, in full or relative health, believe that they will ever be paralyzed? Uvechen? Is it insane? Are you blind?


How much time we spend in search of great happiness ... we spend strength and health, trying to see him in love, money, new impressions, posts or in a successful new thing.

But it's much better, it turns out, to feel just happy moments - the first snow, the flowers in the country, a quiet evening, the rustle of summer rain, long lonely car trips, a clean carpet under your feet, a day without pain, an opportunity to read, talk on the phone with a friend .

Communicate with God. Rather, with oneself - with that part in itself that comes from God.


You are right dear

I complete agree with You. Nowdays rush and hurring are dominating our life. Its very hard to findout gratitiude feeling on our self without practicing it each day. I work on it every day and i notice that great emotional states are apirance morę often and stay with me longer. Great post, thanks for your work :)