There is statistical evidence that it does NOT prevent more murders. But there is statistical evidence that certain cultures are more prone to mindless gun violence. One of those cultures is the US, and one of the major cultural differences we possess is the mindless regurgitation on the media to give it so much attention. No other country in the world does this. Most countries might make a 20 second mention, and move on. We don't. We obsess and cycle it over and over. Even though we've toned it down, there are direct correlations with how we deal with our media and our mentally unstable, and the death toll. It has nothing to do with the guns.
If it wasn't guns, it would be something else. Gas, bombs, you name it. It's not about the guns.
Again, you are wrong but obviously chose to be part of the clan of brainwashed zombies. You chose to believe lies and nobody can convince you of the contrary.
All civilized countries in the world give proportionnally at least as much if not more attention to gun violence than the US. But in absolute terms it's barely present in the media because there's overall GAZIOLLIONS less gun violence than in the US.
"It has nothing to do with the guns" - you guys sound like zombies whose brains have been eaten by the NRA or whoever. It has everything to do with guns.
Anyway, I have no skin in this game whatsoever, I don't live in the US, I'm just observing from the other side of the Ocean and I'm a bit upset for the humankind seeing that roughly half the US population has been emptied of its cerebral grey-matter by zombies and is now regurgitating counterfactual stuff.
Nevermind, keep living in your world of "alternative facts", keep saying "it has nothing to do with guns" every three months after each new mass shooting.
For other people who might have kept bits of their brains and could still recover, perhaps, I don't know what to recommend but maybe an article from Forbes, who I understand is a rather "right wing" publication, could maybe lean on ?
I'll read the debate. I'm sure it's interesting. I feel like I've read them all. The main thing I like to read are statistical analyses, if you have any that prove you point, I'd prefer it.
The first thing for everyone is to set out who and what sources you believe.
That is absolutely essential in life, by the way. You are going to hear, read, see contradictory stuff being peddled by different sources. Reality can be manipulated.
How to prevent those that are best at manipulating the reality from winning the argument over those who simply say the truth but are not as good at "packaging" and presenting it ?
What are your principles in this respect, what is your recipe for determining whether something that you see, read or hear is close to the truth or is an untruth that has been masterfully twisted as to look like being the actual truth ?
Let's take a different topic that is still controversial in some circles in the US: creationism versus evolution. There are very good presenters on both sides who, when in front of a "virgin mind", could turn it their way. People who are extremly convincing when arguing for creationism (or intelligent design, or whatever other theory). And people who are very convincing when arguing in favour of evolution.
But when the theories are contradictory, then only one of these guys can be right and the other are either deluded or manipulative (or both) ...
So in this case, what is your mental path for separating the truth from the untruth?
That's the very first step. Because otherwise whatever statistics I can come up with you can always reply "oh yeah but those guys are ideologists" or "have a vested interest" or "are incompetent" or ... whatever, and dismiss the statistical analyses.